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Spectrum Experience Taking Stand Against Violence In Charlottesville

Published: Thursday, August 17, 2017 - 3:54pm
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In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville this week, Tempe-based communications firm Spectrum Experience is taking a stand.

They’ve taken the unusual step of announcing to their clients that the firm will no longer work with clients who are unwilling to publicly state: black lives matter.

Spectrum Experience is a consulting and communications firm that works with a lot of  political candidates, nonprofits and causes here and across the country. And they call themselves a humanist firm, which means that they affirm all aspects of human equality.

So, they say they don’t want to represent any clients who will, as they say, shield white supremacy.

I got a hold of Serah Blain earlier this morning to talk more about this. She’s a senior strategist with Spectrum Experience.

Blain told me that there’s one client they are talking to now about the policy and they might lose them over it but, that overwhelmingly, their clients have been supportive of it.

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